Ultra-fast internet headed to Wake Forest
Wake Forest could become the first fiber-network ultra-fast internet town in the Triangle if negotiations underway between the town and RST Fiber are successful. “It looks like it’s going to happen,” Deputy Town Manager Roe O’Donnell said Tuesday when asked about the negotiations and fast internet for town residents and businesses. Later Tuesday RST’s CEO and founder, Dan Limerick, who was on the West Coast, said, “Things are moving forward rapidly in Wake Forest and the city officials and RST should be finalizing a plan soon to bring ‘State of the Art’ broadband to your area. Stay tuned.” It is all happening as fast as the fiber network itself. Discussions about a fiber network for the town began in January, the town board appointed seven people to a task force in February, and last week Limerick, came to town with CTO Randy Revels for a lengthy meeting at the same